Sunday, July 1, 2018

Upcoming Online Bootcamp! Become your best self from home!

Every month I have a new online Bootcamp that begins with a week of PREP week. This is a week where I go over the meal plans, accessing your materials, and giving you tips on starting this healthier lifestyle. Its a week to PREPARE and set yourself up for success. I will share meal prep tips, recipes, and things that help me. 

Here's how it works, you select your workout program and then you are provided with the workout schedule and meal guides to follow. They will show you what workout to do on what day and the meal plan will show you how much and of what to eat. I will help you calculate this out once you get signed up and committed to a program. The best way to find the right program for you is by filling out my survey below. This will allow me to give you suggestions based on your goals! We all have different goals, so as soon as I know the info below, I am able to help you find the best program option. 

Once we select a program for you, you would purchase your challenge pack. This is what I have my clients start with because it is the best deal and gives you everything you need to successfully complete your program and GET RESULTS you are looking for. It doesn't cost anything to be in my challenge groups, but in order to participate you need to have the right tools. All challenge  packs come with the meal plans, workout schedule, and the workouts. These workouts are streamed like you would stream Netflix. You have an account you login to access your workouts, meal plans, and program materials. Then you simply PRESS PLAY on your workout. You get to decide when and where you workout! That's what makes these so awesome. They can be done from your phone, ipad, computer, laptop, smart tv, or ANY device that has internet.  On vacation or out of town? No problem! You can still login to your account from anywhere and do your workout! 

I also like to recommend that my clients sign up as coaches from the beginning. All coaches get a 25% discount on all products, and in my opinion having that coach title holds you a little bit more accountable! Don't worry if you don't have results yet. You can share your journey with people along the way. They will relate to you find it much more inspiring watching someone improve themselves than watching someone who is already at their ideal body or goal weight. I don't know about you, but the people that inspire me the most are the people who aren't perfect. Who have gone through struggles and hardships, but then they learn to overcome those struggles and hardships and get back up after they fall. Now that is what is inspiring. You can always sign up as just a customer, that is totally okay too! But, you won't get the discount, instead  I will get the commission. The commissions are nice, but I would prefer to have you get the discount instead! I also find that people who sign up as a coach take it more seriously and commit more than a lot of those who just sign up as a customer. Then if you have a friend or relative who wants to sign up, I can help you get them signed up too! And YOU will earn the commission. There is a $15.95 monthly coach fee, however with your coach discount, you will still end up saving money on your shakes every month. This fee is simply for the customer service, sending your links to your customers so YOU get credit for their order, and all of the things we would not want to deal with as business owners! 

The online bootcamp is awesome! BUT, there is a whole new group for just coaches where we work on more than just our physical self. We work out our minds too by reading or listening to personal development. I have a private group for coaches only where we share business tips, get on team calls, do trainings, and really just help others improve while we improve ourselves too! This community is filled with such uplifting and positive people. These people are my fit family! We are always open to welcoming new people with similar goals and dreams to our team! Being a coach not only has me in the best shape of my life physically, but it has also given me opportunity to make an income from home and to make some pretty amazing friendships, go on trips, and earn prizes from the company. It's normal to feel scared about "Coaching" so don't let that stop you from something that could be life changing. Worse comes to worse, and you just decide it IS NOT for you, you would just fill out a coach cancel form. That's it. 

In addition to getting your own results and feeling amazing, it's twice as amazing to help someone else get results with their health and fitness too! One of my favorite parts about coaching is getting those messages from someone thanking me for helping them fit into that pair of jeans, or helping them gain their confidence again and feel comfortable in a bikini. Those are the kind of messages I live for! 

I look forward to welcoming you in the group! As soon as you fill out the client survey I will get in touch with some suggestions on a program! 

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