Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Info about the Next Fitness & Nutrition Program I will be doing

So, you hear me talking about this awesome new program that I am going to be doing come July 7th. But you want to know more details and what exactly it is. So, I am here to give you a run down and all of the details so you can decide if this 3 week program #MBF (Muscle Burns Fat), followed by a more advanced 3 week program #MBFA (Muscle Burns Fat Advanced) is the right fit for you? 
I am currently finishing up a 21 day program. This program is the original program I started with when I began my health & Fitness program. BUT, as soon as this one is done, I am doing a 3 day detox followed by MBF and MBFA! A detox is great to do every once in a while to reboot the system. I typically do a detox 2 times per year. I will be doing this one right before 4th of July so I can look and feel my best in that 4th of July outfit!
Signs you may need a detox: sugar cravings, low energy, bloating, gas, bad breath, mood swings, brain fog, fluid retention, migraines or headaches. Any of those sound familiar? You may want to do a detox. This detox is 3 days long and you do eat fuits, vegetables, and healthy fats while on the detox along with a fiber drink and a couple of shakes. The first time I did this detox I lost 7 lbs and felt so amazing, light, and full of energy after.
Now, back to the NEW program I will be doing. This program is great for anyone who is wanting to break a plateau, scorch fat, or tighten and tone up! This program launches its early access on July 27th. BUT if you are signed up as an affiliate, you will get to access the program on July 7th as an exclusive affiliate only launch. This program will launch on Beachbody on Demand for those who have the VIP access. It launches for all BOD members in DECEMBER.
These two programs MBF and MBFA are each 3 week strength training and cardio workouts to help you build muscle and burn fat. They include full body workouts that will have you melting the fat off of you. The programs are done back to back. 
Both of these programs include a meal plan to follow. Not only will you be working out for 6 weeks, you will learn proper portion and will have to FUEL yourself. No one starves here. To build muscle, you must eat! The meal plan includes healthy meals and your daily Shakeology that is packed with superfoods, protein, adaptogens, phytonutrients, antioxidants, probiotics, prebiotics, fiber, and digestive enzymes. I also encourage those who purchase this package to get set up with the all natural plant based preworkout that I am obsessed with. It's what I call my sunshine in a cup! Let me guess, maybe you might not be a shake person? If thats the case, that's okay! It is still a better deal to get the package as a whole including the shakes than to buy individually. If you decide you don't want the shakes, you can just cancel at anytime. Or, if you love the shakes and products like I do we can get you set up as an affiliate so you can get 25% off on all of your products, and the ability to earn commissions and team cycle bonuses if any friends or family members want to do this with you. And dont worry, there is no sales quota. You can simply become an affiliate for the discount,  or go all in and make a little extra income by sharing your journey with the world. You will need to be signed up as an affiliate to get access to this program before July 27th. The affiliate/coach exclusive window is from July 7-26. 
The meal guide will also include some awesome recipes, and how much of each food group to be eating. Its a color coded system that is so simple to follow and something I always go back to because I find it to be the most effective way to eat healthy without the hassle of tracking calories or macros. 
MBF is for beginners that has easy to follow moves and the workouts are only 25-35 minutes. MBFA is an advanced intermediate program with a little longer (25-40 minute workouts) that will build on the moves you learned in MBF. 
There are a few different package options that will have you set for success. ARE YOU READY TO BUILD MUSCLE AND BURN FAT WITH ME??? LETS DO THIS!!! If you would like to do this program, the detox, or any other program, please email me at fitfoodiemelissa@gmail.com

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Workout and Work from Home! Info about Becoming an Online Fitness & Nutrition Affiliate!

Hey! You are probably here because we have been talking about turning your health & fitness journey into a business like I have! The info should help you decide if this is the right fit for you or not! Watch this video to hear my story on how I was introduced to the Health & Fitness lifestyle and began my coaching journey. I began before I knew what I was doing. I began before I had any experience or knowledge. The key to success is starting before you are ready!

Our team is an awesome community of like-minded people working on themselves. We come in all shapes and sizes. A huge misconception people have is that a coach much be SUPER fit and in perfect shape. That is 100% FALSE. The most inpsiring coaches are those who are on their journey to become better. No one relates to someone who is perfect. People relate the most to those who are in a similar place that they are, and that they can connect with. If you are super fit, GREAT, but if not, even better!!

Maybe you are JUST starting out your fitness journey. Or, maybe you have been working on your fitness and health for a long time. You have a story to share, and no matter where you are, you have people who will relate to you and will want to join YOU! And, that is what coaching is all about! You sharing your story could help change not only YOUR life, but change someone else's too! This opportunity has changed my life on so many levels. Not only physically, but financially, and mentally too! I finally have the confidence I've always dreamed of, and coaching has shown me that I am worth it. I am capable, and I can do this. SO CAN YOU, and SO ARE YOU!!! :) I have gained so much energy and time too! I often hear, I don't have time to coach. And I will tell you, neither did I. I started this business with no extra time, but was able to put in the time I wanted as I was able to. That is now the reason I have time, and was able to say goodbye to my 9-5 job. This business taught me to have confidence in my self and has really transformed who I am as a person physically, financially, and mentally.

So, what does your job look like as an online fitness and nutrition affiliate? You can simply become an affiliate just to get the discount on the products, or you can can become an affiliate to turn this into a business and make an income from this. The sign up process is exactly the same for both, so if you begin and just want the discount, but then later on decide you want to actually work the business, you will already be set up!

NUMBER one requirement of the job is that you are working on you. As a coach or affiliate, you will get set up with home workouts that you stream, almost like Netflix. All you need to access the workouts is wifi. Every workout program also includes a meal plan that is super easy to follow. It lays out exactly what you should be eating and how much of it. We don't believe in deprivation, we believe in portion control. And, you also get a workout schedule, so you know exactly what workout to do each day. And if you already have a workout program and gym routine, that is okay too. You can supplement these programs along with your current routine, or bring them right to the gym. The workouts programs range and you will have access to a huge library of programs to choose from based on your health and fitness goals. Some workouts are 20 minute cardio based programs requiring no equipment, others are weightlifting, or strength training, HIIT, yoga/Pilates workouts. There are literally workouts for ALL fitness levels and for any goals you may have. Maybe you want to tone up, and lose a few pounds. Maybe you want to lose A LOT of weight. Or maybe you don't want to lose weight at all, maybe you want to bulk up and build muscle. Or, maybe you don't even want to begin with workouts, instead you want to just focus on your nutrition. Whatever your goals are I can help you!

The cost of this base package with a year of workouts, meal plans, and the tools to get started right as a coach is $160. This will also include your first month of shakes. However, there are many other products available. There is a performance line with pre-workout, recover, bars, collagen, and all kinds of other supplements if you are looking for those.

With your first package, you will be set up on auto-ship. This allows you to get the discounted price on shipping. If after the first month you decide that you no longer want the shakes, you can cancel them at any time. Or maybe you just want to delay shipment, or change flavor, that's no big deal. You can do that, without penalty. To stay an active coach you just need 50PV either bought or sold each month. Shakeology for example, is 90pv, so if you were to continue drinking shakeology every month you would get a 25% discount on all products, and would be an active coach, even if you sold nothing. 

If you helped a couple of people get set up, you would earn a 25% commission for any sale you make in addition to your discount on products. In addition to the commissions, once you build a team of your own, you are eligible for what is called team cycle bonuses. This is where the majority of the income comes from. If you had to rely on just commissions, you would have to sell a lot of challenge packs to earn any significant amount of money. With team cycle bonuses, you are constantly making residual income. It won't happen over night, but if you are consistent, this can provide you with an amazing source of income. 

There is $15 per month coach fee, however if you are drinking shakeology every month, without making ANY sales, you will still save over $20 on your shakes with the coach discount. This is what we call a discount affiliate. If you help a couple each month get set up, you will make enough to cover the cost of your products! How cool right? AND, if you want to go ALL IN, and grow a team of your own, this is where you can make coaching a full time income. With consistency and hard work.

**Beachbody does not guarantee any level of income or success, each coaches income depends on their efforts, diligence, and skill. AKA- if you want to see this business opportunity work, you have to put in the work.

YES, you can still have your tacos, sushi, and margaritas on occasion. Trust me, I LOVE to indulge and have a good time. I spend 80 percent of my time eating clean, working out, and following the workout schedules and meal plans, so when the time comes for something fun, I can indulge a little bit without ruining my progress or feeling horrible about it! Life is about LIVING. I want to be healthy and strong, but I also believe in living a little bit too! 

In addition to the commissions and cycle bonuses, one huge plus for me as a coach is earning these all inclusive trips! I have earned an Arizona diamond retreat with some of the ladies on my team, a trip to Mexico for me and my family, a cruise to the Bahamas and Haiti! I am also all set up for Punta Cana next year from this company!! Travel isn't required, but it sure is an awesome bonus that I LOVE! Especially as a Minnesota girl, I will take an opportunity I can to get into some sunshine! You coming with me???




You can choose to share your journey however you like. Some people share clips and videos of their workouts, others share pics of their food, or just a selfie with their face talking about their workout of the day on their social media! Often people see my stories on Instagram or Facebook and are scared that they will have to share the same type of stuff that I do. What you share about your journey is up to you! Don't worry, workout videos are not required. I just choose to share my journey in that way. We don't show anyone how to do the workouts, they simply press play on their workout of the day, and watch a professional trainer show them how to correctly do the moves. We also do not have to create the meal plans for them, these have already been created by nutritionists, and can be adjusted per person. We just help them calculate their calorie bracket so they know which meal plans to follow! That's why NO fitness or nutrition experience is required. We are simply sharing our journey and helping others begin theirs right along side us! Having a fitness knowledge is a plus, but is DEFINITELY NOT REQUIRED at all!

If you are consistent and stick with it, you will begin to see your direct deposit amount continuously go up! In addition, as you rank advance the team cycle bonus amounts increase. You also begin to earn additional bonuses and even quarterly bonuses that can be very significant! There are so many additional incentives that you earn as a coach as well. A few examples of these are prizes from corporate, all expense vacations for hitting your goals, earned retreats from your upline coach, meeting a whole community of like-minded people, being able to travel, working from anywhere you have wifi. This business can give you a life of freedom if you are willing to put in the work and stay consistent. Just like your health & fitness, you must be willing to stay consistent. You can't do one workout and expect to get the body of your dreams, just like you can't make one post and expect to earn six figures over night. But, if you put in the daily disciplines every day consistently, you will see those things come to surface!


Fill out the application below so I can get back to you on next steps on starting this journey with me!


Melissa Nielsen

Below is a video from our annual coach summit in 2018 in Indianapolis. Every year there is an annual coach summit that all coaches are invited to go and learn from top coaches, do live workouts with the celebrity trainers, and listen to key note speakers. We will be going back to Indianapolis in 2019 and I hope to have you joining me!


Watch the video below some of the coaches on my team talking about what we love about coaching! This opportunity has changed my life physically, financially, and mentally!! It can change yours too if you are ready to make a change and jump in with us!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Upcoming Online Bootcamp! Become your best self from home!

Every month I have a new online Bootcamp that begins with a week of PREP week. This is a week where I go over the meal plans, accessing your materials, and giving you tips on starting this healthier lifestyle. Its a week to PREPARE and set yourself up for success. I will share meal prep tips, recipes, and things that help me. 

Here's how it works, you select your workout program and then you are provided with the workout schedule and meal guides to follow. They will show you what workout to do on what day and the meal plan will show you how much and of what to eat. I will help you calculate this out once you get signed up and committed to a program. The best way to find the right program for you is by filling out my survey below. This will allow me to give you suggestions based on your goals! We all have different goals, so as soon as I know the info below, I am able to help you find the best program option. 

Once we select a program for you, you would purchase your challenge pack. This is what I have my clients start with because it is the best deal and gives you everything you need to successfully complete your program and GET RESULTS you are looking for. It doesn't cost anything to be in my challenge groups, but in order to participate you need to have the right tools. All challenge  packs come with the meal plans, workout schedule, and the workouts. These workouts are streamed like you would stream Netflix. You have an account you login to access your workouts, meal plans, and program materials. Then you simply PRESS PLAY on your workout. You get to decide when and where you workout! That's what makes these so awesome. They can be done from your phone, ipad, computer, laptop, smart tv, or ANY device that has internet.  On vacation or out of town? No problem! You can still login to your account from anywhere and do your workout! 

I also like to recommend that my clients sign up as coaches from the beginning. All coaches get a 25% discount on all products, and in my opinion having that coach title holds you a little bit more accountable! Don't worry if you don't have results yet. You can share your journey with people along the way. They will relate to you find it much more inspiring watching someone improve themselves than watching someone who is already at their ideal body or goal weight. I don't know about you, but the people that inspire me the most are the people who aren't perfect. Who have gone through struggles and hardships, but then they learn to overcome those struggles and hardships and get back up after they fall. Now that is what is inspiring. You can always sign up as just a customer, that is totally okay too! But, you won't get the discount, instead  I will get the commission. The commissions are nice, but I would prefer to have you get the discount instead! I also find that people who sign up as a coach take it more seriously and commit more than a lot of those who just sign up as a customer. Then if you have a friend or relative who wants to sign up, I can help you get them signed up too! And YOU will earn the commission. There is a $15.95 monthly coach fee, however with your coach discount, you will still end up saving money on your shakes every month. This fee is simply for the customer service, sending your links to your customers so YOU get credit for their order, and all of the things we would not want to deal with as business owners! 

The online bootcamp is awesome! BUT, there is a whole new group for just coaches where we work on more than just our physical self. We work out our minds too by reading or listening to personal development. I have a private group for coaches only where we share business tips, get on team calls, do trainings, and really just help others improve while we improve ourselves too! This community is filled with such uplifting and positive people. These people are my fit family! We are always open to welcoming new people with similar goals and dreams to our team! Being a coach not only has me in the best shape of my life physically, but it has also given me opportunity to make an income from home and to make some pretty amazing friendships, go on trips, and earn prizes from the company. It's normal to feel scared about "Coaching" so don't let that stop you from something that could be life changing. Worse comes to worse, and you just decide it IS NOT for you, you would just fill out a coach cancel form. That's it. 

In addition to getting your own results and feeling amazing, it's twice as amazing to help someone else get results with their health and fitness too! One of my favorite parts about coaching is getting those messages from someone thanking me for helping them fit into that pair of jeans, or helping them gain their confidence again and feel comfortable in a bikini. Those are the kind of messages I live for! 

I look forward to welcoming you in the group! As soon as you fill out the client survey I will get in touch with some suggestions on a program! 

Fill out my online form.
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Thursday, November 30, 2017

Links and ways to DONATE for The Best Christmas Ever!

A lot of you probably already know, but I am the team captain for an organization called the Best Christmas Ever. It is a non profit organization that helps a family in need have "The Best Christmas Ever". The family is nominated by friends or coworkers in their community for this and have NO idea that this is happening until we do the Christmas "Drop" a few days before Christmas with all of the gifts that have been donated and collected by the community. We have two Gift tree locations where you can go to the location, pick a gift suggestion that is written on a tag, go and buy the gift, and return it unwrapped to the gift tree. Also please include the receipt as we need to document the value of all items collected. The tree Locations are at MN Direct Properties Inc. and Lake Woods Chrysler in Grand Rapids.

All of these gifts must be collected by December 21st. That is the day we will have a Wrapping party and wrap up all of the gifts to be delivered to the family. The wrapping party is open to the public to attend. Anyone is welcome! We will be holding this at River Grand in Grand Rapids on December 21st from 5-7pm. Please come and join us for this, we will be doing a potluck with appetizers and snacks while we wrap. Feel free to bring a dish, some wrapping paper, scissor, and tape so we can get all of the gifts wrapped up in no time. The Christmas drop will be following the wrapping party for a select few.The family has NO IDEA and we will completely surprise them out of nowhere. Which is one of the best parts of this whole thing. So, remember if you THINK you know who the family is. KEEP Quiet so they don't find out. Living in a small community makes it hard to keep it a secret, but it is very important we keep the secret!

If you are unable to go to the gift tree locations and maybe don't live in the Grand Rapids area, I also have away you can still donate for this family. Or, if you just prefer to shop online, I created a gift wish list for the family on Amazon. You can have the gifts shipped out directly to the gift tree locations! We all love that Amazon Prime! :)

Our goal for this family is to collect a MINIMUM of $5000 between monetary donations, gifts, or gift cards. But, wouldn't it be amazing if we BLEW that goal out of the water and REALLY made a LIFE LONG impact on this family?? If you are a business or individual wanting to donate, there are SO many ways you can donate. A donation of any kind is greatly appreciated!

MN DIRECT PROPERTIES INC. (1115 NW 4th St, Grand Rapids, MN 55744)

LAKE WOODS CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP RAM ( 815 NW 4th St. Grand Rapids, MN 55744)

Or, if you just prefer to donate money, you can go to my donate page and donate money that way.
Here is the link: https://bcemovement.kindful.com/best-christmas-ever-2017-2017/team-kindness
AMAZON WISH LIST: https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/1NJHJPYFSKIG0/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_4

Monday, November 20, 2017

Meliss's Happy & HEALTHY Holiday Tips

10 tips for Having a Happy and HEALTHY Holiday season.

Are you wondering how you are going to survive the holidays this season? The holidays usually leave us all so stressed out. All the food, the drinks, the sweets, the treats, it's ALL over. So, how do we avoid completely falling off track over the holidays? I think everything is good in moderation. For me, it's usually the hardest to stay on track the day after a night of a few drinks and indulgences. I usually start out the actual day of the event eating fairly well... Then I have some drinks and the next day I am worthless. I don't feel like cooking or doing anything and then I am tempted to order pizza or hit up the drive through. My health goes out the window and it all becomes about convenience. So here's a few tips I've come up with on how I plan to survive the holiday season.

1. The number one tip I can have for you is to make a healthy meal ahead of time to eat the day after your holiday festivities. That way you can get right back on track after a night of some indulgences. I know I hate wasting food, so if I have something already made, I will eat that. 

2. Eat something BEFORE going to your events so you don't show up starving and will have an easier time not over eating. 

3. EXERCISE right away in the morning before going to any event. Get it out of the way, and then you can relax and enjoy the day without the dread of having to workout. And Not only will exercise help you stay on track it will help relieve the HOLIDAY stress. Get those endorphins PUMPIN!!

4. Bring a healthy dish with you. If you can't control what other people are bringing or serving, at least you can control what you bring. Make it be something healthy! 

5. Eat Slowly! Take time in between bites and set your fork down to soak up the conversation and enjoy your company. 

6. DON'T skip meals. This is one of the worst things you can do. 

7. Watch what you drink. Limit your intake of alcoholic beverages, and if you are going to drink go for a lighter drink option. Try not to mix with pop. Mix with water and always add ice to water it down and dilute it.

8. ENJOY the holidays. Don't let the chaos take over. The holidays are about family and enjoying them. We often forget that and stress over making everything perfect. Relax. Mediate. Pray. Be thankful. Find a few podcasts to listen to while cooking or cleaning that will lift your spirits and get your mind right. Take a bath. Read a book. Just take some time for yourself. EVERY single day during the holiday season especially. You deserve it. And your family deserves you at your best, and unstressed. 

9. Get your rest! Did you know people who don't get enough sleep have a hard time losing weight and tend to be heavier according to statistics. Sleep deprivation causes your body to release hormones that will make you want to eat more. So get your ZZZZ's. 

10. Don't compare yourself to all you see on social media. This time of year can become a bit of a competition. People all trying to outdo each other with their amazing elf on the shelf ideas they do every night... Um.. I am lucky if I remember to move our elf twice a week. MOM fail. I will be brutally honest with you. Just because Susie has a photo up every morning of her elf on the shelf doing miraculous things.. don't worry.. MOST of us normal mom's haven't even thought of it until the morning when our child says " I wonder where the elf went today..." and you frantically go running for the elf in an attempt to move it before you child notices.. GUILTY!! That's ME to a T! haha And.. you see all those perfect holiday photos? Don't worry.. it probably took that family 75 tries to get that perfect photo. Most probably looked just like the rest of ours with one kid screaming, the mom blinking and dad looking off into outer space. Don't try to keep up, do what's right for you and your family! 

How to START FRESH if you over indulged?!

Okay, so let's say you maybe didn't follow any of the tips above and now you find yourself feeling the post holiday slug and laziness. Want help rebooting? Let me help you. I will be running an after the holidays 3 day REFRESH Cleanse. Yes, you can still eat during the cleanse. You just reboot your system with superfood shakes, fruits, veggies, and healthy fats. It's a great way to get your energy back and a GREAT way to get rid of the bloat and slug from over indulging. I have had amazing results with the 3 day refresh. Afterwards feeling FULL of energy and so light! I lost 7 lbs my first time doing the cleanse. I highly suggest this for after the holidays. And, beginning December I have a  BUILD a BOOTY health and fitness group that is completely private starting up. The goal is to loose some pounds and tone our booty and abs. You in? Email me if you want a spot at: melissanielsen99@gmail.com.


My personal 3 Day Refresh Results!! 











BUILD A BOOTY Workout Schedule 


Healthy HOLIDAY Recipes: